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Luxura Jewel

The Luxura Jewel combines new technology and innovative developments to create a spectacular tanning experience. This bed really is the future of tanning.



Full LED facials..with UV-A, UV-B, Red & Yellow LEDs.

Shoulder & neck tanners.. for the hard to reach tanning spots.

10 full length BOS body tanning boosters for high direct pigmentation.

Wireless Charging.. charge your phone whilst you tan.

Aroma Xsens.. keeping you relaxed with a delicious scent.

Aqua Mist..for sensational refreshment.


The bed is shaped for your comfort with premium bulbs for an exceptional tanning result.

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MegaSun 8000ST

A sunbed of the future. The strength of the new 8000 alpha HybridST is in the cutting-edge technology.



Intelligent Control System.. preselect your tanning preferences with the easy to use touch screen.

70 Beauty Booster Hyper Red.. to soothe your face & body.

X-tra Tan.. even & intense tanning in the shoulder area.

Aroma Xsens.. keeping you relaxed with a delicious scent.

Aqua Mist.. for sensational refreshment.

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MegaSun 7800 Alpha

The tanning powerhouse. 



50 tubes.. to ensure maximum performance.

Intelligent Control System.. preselect your tanning preferences with the easy to use touch screen.

70 Beauty Booster Hyper Red.. to soothe your face & body.

Yellow tubes.. for a powerful energy boost & helping you feel revitalised. 

Glass Facial System.. facial tanner with specially coated filter discs and glass reflectors for maximum tanning comfort.

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